
Virginia Beach

Brobot Rock

Virginia Beach has a long history tied closely to the history of the United States itself! It is part of the United States "First Region," which was originally occupied by the Chesepian people, who were an Algonquian speaking peoples. It is referred to as the "First Region" as this area of the United States is where some of the earliest landings of the British occurred on the continent.

Today, the Virginia Beach is known for access to both the ocean and bay and being an incredibly popular vacation spot. The aquarium, contemporary art museum, and amphitheater are major attractions in the area. The city's largest events are the Neptune Festival, the air show at NAS Oceana, and the American Music Festival which ends with the Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon.

Our poster celebrates the fact that Virginia Beach is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as having the longest pleasure beach in the world! 

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